SOLAR WIND a film by Ian Lagarde

SOLAR WIND a film by Ian Lagarde

18 minutes
Original language : French with English subtitles
Québec, Canada 2011
Production : Marie-Claire Lalonde & Gabrielle Tougas-Fréchette (Voyous films)

During the last days before a mass suicide of an isolated cult, Michel prepares for the ultimate transfer. Along with Louise, a co-disciple, he goes to the local department store to buy the cult’s uniforms: black jogging pants and running shoes. The movements are simple, but the body struggles to follow.

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SOLAR WIND a film by Ian Lagarde
  • VENT SOLAIRE de Ian Lagarde

    18 min, Fiction, Québec, Canada, 2011
    Productrice/ Producer : Gabrielle Tougas-Fréchette (Voyous films)
    Langues : v.o. français avec s.t. Anglais / French with English sub.

    Durant les derniers jours d'une secte isolée en campagne, Michel se prépare au transfert ultime. Avec Louise, une co-d...