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  • MONTREAL NEW WAVE by Erik Cimon

    Documentary, 92 minutes, French & English with English subtitles, Quebec, Canada, 2016, Production: Périphéria Productions Inc.

    After their look at the emergence of the 70s punk movement, the creators of Mtl Punk: The First Wave (CBC Doc Channel, Canal D, NXNE, RVCQ, FIFA) tackle a new chapter...

  • MTL PUNK: THE FIRST WAVE by Érik Cimon and Alain Cliche

    Documentary, 45 min., Quebec, Canada, 2011

    "When the punk movement reached Montreal in 1977, it ignited the passions of a handful of young people who were forever changed by it. Thirty years later, some of the players from this momentous time give a surprisingly frank account of their experien...

  • MY FAMILY IN 17 TAKES a film by Claudie Lévesque

    The youngest of 17 children, the filmmaker presents us with an intimate family portrait in 17 rolls of Super 8. Through original films and carefully constructed archives, the members of one family recount the events surrounding the death of the oldest brother and share their beliefs on life after...

  • MY FATHER'S STUDIO by Jennifer Alleyn

    72 min, Documentary, Canada, 2008
    Producer : Jeannine Gagné (Amazone Film)
    Language: French, English w/ English subtitles

    On the traces of Edmund Alleyn...
    An insider's look on how art impacts life.

    Inheriting her father's studio in 2005, Montreal-based filmmaker Jennifer Alleyn awakes a...

  • MY MUSLIM SISTERS by Francine Pelletier

    68 min, documentaire, 2009

    Asmaa Ibnouzahir et Geneviève Lepage, deux jeunes Québécoises engagées, indépendantes d’esprit et éduquées, sont également des femmes voilées. Geneviève s’est convertie à l’islam en 2001, à la suite des événements du 11 septembre. Musulmane d’origine, Asmaa a décidé ...


    47 min, Documentaire, Canada, 2009
    Français, avec s.t. anglais / French with English Subtitles

    Celui que l’on surnomme l’enfant terrible de la mode québécoise devient le sujet d’un tableau filmique. Plutôt que de faire la chronique d’une icône de la mode, « Je m’appelle Denis Gagnon » brosse ...

  • MY REAL LIFE by Magnus Isacsson

  • NICOLE by Chadi Bennani

    23 min., documentary, Québec, Canada, 2023

    Directed by Chadi Bennani
    Produced by L'École des médias de l'Université du Québec à Montréal - Romane Gagnon
    Language French


    In this touching documentary, filmmaker Chadi Bennani accompanies his mother, Dominique, as she sets out to empty Ni...

  • NINA a film by Halima Elkhatabi

    Short film, 15 min., Quebec, Canada, 2015

    At 16 years old, Nina is helpless with regards to her 4-month-old baby Jessie's incessant crying. Without any escape from the cries and from this new presence is her life, she ventures out from her tiny apartment in a working-class neighbourhood of Mon...

  • NIN E TEPUEIAN - MY CRY by Santiago Bertolino

    This documentary tracks the journey of Innu poet, actress and activist Natasha Kanapé Fontaine, at a pivotal time in her career as a committed artist. To heal the wound of racism, Natasha has re-appropriated her Innu language and become a media spokesperson. Words have helped her rediscover her r...

  • NO ORDINARY MAN by Aisling Chin-Yee and Chase Joynt

    NO ORDINARY MAN by Aisling Chin-Yee and Chase Joynt
    Documentary, 84 min., Canada, 2021
    Produced by Sarah Spring | Parabola Films

    For decades, the life of American Jazz musician Billy Tipton was framed as the story of an ambitious woman passing as a man in pursuit of a music career. In NO ORDINA...

  • NOTES ON A ROAD LESS TAKEN by Catherine Hébert

    94 min, Documentary, Québec, Canada, 2011
    Director(s) : Hébert, Catherine
    Producers : Virginie Dubois and Catherine Hébert (Coop Vidéo de Montréal)
    Language : French, English, Bambara & Pulaar with English subtitles

    When Marc Roger, a public reader, sets himself the challenge of walking fro...

  • NUTS, NOTHING AND NOBODY by Elise de Blois

    2 minutes, 2013, Québec, Canada

    Director: Elise de Blois
    Producer : Elise de Blois
    Language : English

    Nuts, Nothing and Nobody walk quietly through the forest, until Nothing falls in a hole.

  • ONE, TWO, THREE, DUSK by Félix Dufour-Laperrière

    Directed by Félix Dufour-Laperrière
    Produced by Félix Dufour-Laperrière
    Language no dialogue

    The dawn, a young woman and the end of the day in a three parts, unstable biography.

  • OPHELIA WILL ARRIVE A BIT LATER by Lou Scamble and Charles Massicotte

    8 min., Fiction, Quebec, Canada, 2019

    Directed by Lou Scamble & Charles Massicotte
    Produced by Charles Massicotte enr., Kino 00
    Language French

    An evening, Meredith goes to the house of strangers to look after a child who has not yet arrived. She decides to relax watching television, b...

  • OVER MY DEAD BODY by Brigitte Poupart

    80 min, Documentary, Québec, Canada, 2011
    Director(s) : Poupart, Brigitte
    Producers : Stéphanie Morissette, Virginie Dubois et Brigitte Poupart (Coop Vidéo de Montréal)
    Languages : French and English with English subtitles

    Dancer and choreographer Dave St-Pierre is adored by critics and aud...

  • PASSAGE by Sarah Baril Gaudet

    Gabrielle and Yoan are 18 years old. Even though they both grew up in Temiscamingue, their aspirations are opposite. While Yoan wants to leave the area to break away from his loneliness and explore his homosexuality, Gabrielle is torn at the thought of going over a hundred kilometers away from ho...

  • PHONE WHORE by Farzin Farzaneh

    73 min, Documentary, Quebec, Canada, 2016

    Sceenplay and Direction : Farzin Farzaneh
    Direction of Photography : Farzin Farzaneh
    Editing : Farzin Farzaneh
    Sound Recording : Vincent Fayol
    Sound Mixing : Farzin Farzaneh
    Music : Erich Kory
    Interpreter : Cameryn Moore
    Production : Farzin Farz...

  • PINOCCHIO by André-Line Beauparlant

    Documentary, 75 min., Quebec, Canada, 2015

    Eric is working his way around the world crewing on ships. He seems to be living the life he’s always dreamed of until he gets arrested in Brazil, awaiting deportation to Canada. Between calls to the embassy, unexpected meddlings of a strang...

  • PLANTED IN 2020 by Santiago Bessai

    This short documentary follows a young woman into the Canadian wild, through forests desolated by wildfires and logging, where she endures a grueling and unusual campaign of tree planting. Living in a nomadic camp during the pandemic and working tirelessly to plant thousands of seedlings per day,...

  • PRAYER FOR A LOST MITTEN by Jean-François Lesage

    79 min, documentary, Canada, 2020.

    Directed by Jean-François Lesage
    Produced by Les Films de l'Autre
    Languages : French, English, Creole

    The night is falling and Montreal is under the snow. People line up at the lost and found office of the city’s transit company. They all have lost s...

  • QIPISA a film by Myna Ishulutak

    Short documentary 35 minutes., Nunavut, Canada 2016

    Available Light Film Festival (Whitehorse, Canada 2016)
    Présence Autochtone (Montréal 2016) - MAIN FILM PRIZE
    Festival de Cinéma de la ville de Québec FCVQ (Québec, Canada 2016)
    Festival DreamSpeakers (Canada 2016) - PRIZE FOR BEST ...

  • RED SQUARE ON A BLACK BOARD by Santiago Bertolino and Hugo Samson

    110 min, Documentary, Québec, 2013
    French with English subtitles
    Producer: Lucie Pageau, Productions Multi-Monde
    with Télé-Québec
    Distribution: Les Films du 3 mars in collaboration with Diffusion Multi-Monde.

    RED SQUARE ON A BLACK BOARD takes us into the heart of the 2012 student crisis t...