THE HORSE PALACE a film by Nadine Gomez

THE HORSE PALACE a film by Nadine Gomez

68 min
Language : French/English
QuEbec, Canada, 2012
Production : Argus Films

Once, one of Canada’s most densely populated districts, Griffintown is now dotted with vacant lots and uninhabited areas. At the corner of a small street, at the end of a dirt alley, the sun rises on the Horse Palace. Leo Leonard, the owner, stands lonely and fragile, just like this place that is his whole life. But at 83, Leo, the ultimate representative of the Irish community which founded this neighbourhood, must resign himself to leave.

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THE HORSE PALACE a film by Nadine Gomez
  • THE HORSE PALACE by Nadine Gomez

    Between the abandoned factories and crumbling buildings of Griffintown is concealed Montreal’s oldest stable, last remnant of a time gone by. In this intriguing, anachronic enclave, running alongside modernity, it seems like time has withheld its course. But since its aging owner has decided to s...