SURVEILLANT a film by Yan Giroux

SURVEILLANT a film by Yan Giroux

17 min
Language : French with English subtitles
Quebec, Canada, 2011
Production : Annick Blanc (Alt Collection)

It’s another quiet summer day in Park Dufresne. The neighborhood teens loiter about until a young park monitor arrives for his first day of work. Tension rises as the two worlds clash in an unbalanced territorial struggle. In this impressionistic film, the banal day-to-day rituals of a suburban park take on a poetic tone through carefully planned and choreographed takes.

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SURVEILLANT a film by Yan Giroux
  • SURVEILLANT un film de Yan Giroux

    17 min, Fiction, Québec, Canada, 2011
    Productrice : Annick Blanc (Alt Collection)

    C’est une journée d’été tranquille au Parc Dufresne. Les jeunes du quartier regardent le temps s’écouler jusqu’à ce qu’un nouveau surveillant fasse irruption pour sa première journée de travail. Le nouveau doit ...