THE OTHER RIO a film by Émilie B. Guérette

THE OTHER RIO a film by Émilie B. Guérette

88 minutes
Original language : Portuguese with english subtitles
Québec, Canada 2017
Production : Colonelle Films

Rio de Janeiro, August 2016. The Summer Olympics are in full swing. A few steps away from the Maracanã stadium, but far from the international attention, a hundred pauperized families live together in an abandoned building. Despite the misery, gang violence and militarization of the neighborhood, the residents survive with ingenuity and resilience. Ignored by the sensationalist reports, their dignified and generous words reveal a universe of concrete and light, where the reality of today fades behind the aspirations for tomorrow.

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THE OTHER RIO a film by Émilie B. Guérette
  • THE OTHER RIO by Émilie B. Guérette

    88 minutes
    Original language : Portuguese with English subtitles
    Québec, Canada 2017
    Production : Colonelle Films

    Rio de Janeiro, August 2016. The Summer Olympics are in full swing. A few steps away from the Maracanã stadium, but far from the international attention, a hundre...