DANNY IN THE SKY a film by Denis Langlois

DANNY IN THE SKY a film by Denis Langlois


The son of a gay dad and a top model mom who died of an overdose when he was still young, Danny is looking for love. He wants to become part of a society that values luxury, glamour and appearances above all, by becoming a model. He takes modeling to its extreme and becomes a stripper, and finally finds the love he was looking for on the set of a porno shoot, with Karine, a photographer who's as voyeuristic as he is exhibitionnist.  But destiny soon catches up with him...


Director : Denis Langlois

Screenplay : Bertrand Lachance et Denis Langlois
Cinematography : Stefan Ivanov

Editing : Natacha Dufaux

Score : Simon Wayland, Peter Xirogiannis, Phil York

Production : Bertrand Lachance et Denis Langlois

With : Thierry Pépin, Véronique Jenkins

DANNY IN THE SKY a film by Denis Langlois