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  • RESOURCES by Hubert Caron-Guay and Serge-Olivier Rondeau

    99 min, documentary, Canada, 2021

    Directed by Hubert Caron-Guay & Serge-Olivier Rondeau
    Produced by Les Films de l'Autre - Hubert Caron-Guay and Serge-Olivier Rondeau
    Languages : Spanish and French

    The meat industry is booming in Quebec, Canada, where huge factories use standardized pr...

  • SISTERHOOD by Maxime Faure

    75 min, documentary, France, Canada, 2019

    Directed by Maxime Faure
    Produced by Les films Balibari | Metafilms
    Language French

    The first snow falls on Quebec. As the disappearance of their small religious community looms, the Helper Nuns begin sorting through their life — a lifetime of ...

  • SLUMS: CITIES OF TOMORROW by Jean-Nicolas Orhon

    82 min., Documentary, 2013, Québec, Canada

    Slums: Cities of Tomorrow takes us on a human and aesthetic journey across the continents: in Mumbai, India, home of the largest slum in all of Asia; in Rabat, Morocco, on what was once fertile farmland; in a tent city in Lakewood, New Jersey; in a tr...

  • SMALL TROPHIES (EN) a film by Isabelle Grignon-Francke

    The obligation to perfom in society take a complete different form for Marie and Gabriel two young adults with Down syndrome. Aware of how people look at them, they try to reach their dreams otherwise. This short movie documentary treat in an intimate way their most personal aspirations. Marie an...

  • SNACK BAR RHAPSODY by Nicolas Paquet

  • SOLID GROUND by Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette & Émile Proulx-Cloutier

    At 15 and 16, Pascale, Raphaël and Céleste are typical teenagers with first loves, first losses and fragile relationships with parents. But they’re also having – literally – a ‘field’ day! That’s because they’re attending high school in a small and unique Eastern Townships establishment that spec...

  • SOME OF MY FRIENDS by Catherine Martin

    Seven portraits of people who present themselves at work and in daily life. Seven ways of being present to the world. People who are exceptional because they are like everyone else.

  • SOME OF MY FRIENDS by Catherine Martin

    115 minutes - Quebec, Canada 2017 - Production: Les Films de l'autre

    Seven portraits of people who present themselves at work and in daily life. Seven ways of being present to the world. People who are exceptional because they are like everyone else.


    While travelling the roads and villages of the Quebec countryside, one often sees off-beat structures and fabulous installations that reveal a unique world of surprising originality. These curious constructions are the work of local people who, even with no artistic training, are compelled by an...

  • SPLIT by Lawrence Côté-Collins

    Anick is a social worker turned filmmaker, working on a documentary about reintegration. She moves into the remote house that Scott, an ex-con in his 50s, shares with his young girlfriend, Jessie.
    Soon, the filmmaker’s objectivity gives way to the subjectivity of desire, and Anick falls for Jess...

  • THE AMINA PROFILE by Sophie Deraspe

    Documentary, 85 min., Quebec, Canada, 2015

    Amina Arraf, a pretty Syrian-American revolutionary who’s having an online affair with Montrealer Sandra Bagaria, launches the provocatively named blog A Gay Girl in Damascus. As the Syrian uprising gains momentum, the blog attracts a huge following. ...

  • THE ASSAILANT by Olivier D. Asselin

    Among the concrete highways, as life constantly keeps driving people crazier and crazier, a small group is peacefully enjoying its coffee break. Momentarily without their day-to-day concerns, rescued by the sunny temperature from their every-instant run life, everyone is slowly enjoying its caffe...

  • THE BROTHER by Jérémie Battaglia

    28 min, documentary, animation, Canada, 2019

    Directed by Jérémie Battaglia
    Produced by Les Films Extérieur Jour
    Language french/japanese

    Suffering from an illness causing paralysis in his body, Kais is awakened every morning by a different member of his family. Stuck in a frozen body,...

  • THE CURTAIN by Frédéric Desager

    Short Film, 13 min., Quebec, Canada, 2013

    Pierre, an eight years old young boy, spends most of his summer vacation behind the curtain of the dining room's window. He dreams of playing basketball with the other kids what his overprotective mother constantly denies him. One day Pierre decides to...

  • THE END OF WONDERLAND/LA FIN DE WONDERLAND by/de Laurence Turcotte-Fraser


    85 min, documentary, Canada, 2021

    Directed by Laurence Turcotte-Fraser
    Produced by Artémis Films - Katerine Lefrançois
    Language English

    The End of Wonderland is a feature documentary on Tara Emory, a veteran artist who works on he...

  • THE FAMILY OF THE FOREST by Laura Rietveld

    85 min, Documentaire, Québec, 2022

    Directed by Laura Rietveld
    Produced by Katarina Soukup - Catbird Productions 2, Inc
    Language French

    Gérard Mathar and Catherine Jacob left family, friends and homeland for a life of self-sufficiency in the boreal forest of the Gaspé Peninsula, Québec....

  • THE HEARING by Émilie B. Guérette and Peggy Nkunga Ndona

    93 min., Documentary, Québec, Canada, 2023

    Directed by Émilie B. Guérette & Peggy Nkunga Ndona
    Produced by Colonelle films - Justine Chevarie-Cossette, Fanny Drew, Sarah Mannering
    Languages French, Lingala

    After crossing 11 countries irregularly to seek asylum in Canada, Peggy, Simon a...

  • THE HIDDEN RIVER by Jean-François Lesage

    French with English subtitles
    75 minutes
    Quebec, Canada
    Production: Les films de l'Autre

    Festival - RIDM, Special Jury Prize Canadian Feature

    In the heart of a deep forest runs a river. On its banks, men and women sit and talk, opening up to each other. In this remote settin...

  • THE HORSE PALACE by Nadine Gomez

    Between the abandoned factories and crumbling buildings of Griffintown is concealed Montreal’s oldest stable, last remnant of a time gone by. In this intriguing, anachronic enclave, running alongside modernity, it seems like time has withheld its course. But since its aging owner has decided to s...

  • THE LONGEST KISS by Alexandra Sicotte-Lévesque

    74 min, Documentary, Québec,Canada, 2013
    Director(s) : Sicotte-Lévesque, Alexandra
    Producers : Alexandra Sicotte-Lévesque, Yanick Létourneau (Périphéria)
    Language : Arabic and English with French subtitles

    "The meeting of the Blue and White Nile in Sudan's capital, Khartoum, is referred to...

  • THE LOST NUDITY by Davyd Tousignant & Tomi Grgicevic

    Fat, thin, fit, or decrepit, naked bodies come out of the closet in the kingdom of clothing. But rather than make love, they garden, they cook, they do taichi... Are they trying to regain the lost freedom?

  • THE NAME YOU CARRY by Hervé Demers

    Short film, 17 min., Quebec, Canada, 2015

    When Vlace is suspended for hitting a classmate, Sasha is called to come get his son at school and has no choice but to take him along on his delivery route. During this intimate journey, we discover what provoked Vlace’s uncharacteristic act, as fathe...

  • THE NATURE OF FRÉDÉRIC BACK a film by Phil Comeau

    78 min, Documentary, Québec, Canada, 2012
    Director: Phil Comeau
    Producer : Cécile Chevrier
    Language : French, English
    Subtitles: English

    The Nature of Frédéric Back draws a masterful portrait of an exceptional man. A visual artist and animation filmmaker, he has produced an immense body of...

  • THE OTHER RIO by Émilie B. Guérette

    88 minutes
    Original language : Portuguese with English subtitles
    Québec, Canada 2017
    Production : Colonelle Films

    Rio de Janeiro, August 2016. The Summer Olympics are in full swing. A few steps away from the Maracanã stadium, but far from the international attention, a hundre...