CRIMES WITHOUT HONOUR a film by Raymonde Provencher

CRIMES WITHOUT HONOUR a film by Raymonde Provencher

69 min
Language : French/English
Quebec, Canada, 2012
Production : Raymonde Provencher

What is really an Honour crime? Where does this phenomenon come from? Has it always been amongst us, or is this a new fact of life?

An Honour crime affects everyone: the victims, of course, but also the men and women who commit these crimes, or simply caution them. In Sweden, in Germany, and now in Canada, many women are fighting in order to have those crimes judged for what they really are: hate crimes against women, in the name of a father, a brother, a whole family.

In Crimes Without Honour, the filmmaker explores several perspectives on the subject through the stories of Aruna Papp, a Christian woman from India now living in Canada; Necla Kelek, a Turkish woman living in Germany; Sara, a Kurd living in Sweden; and Arkan, a young Kurdish man raised “as a Swede” who recounts how his simultaneous upbringing in a culture of honour left him trapped.

For more information, go to

CRIMES WITHOUT HONOUR a film by Raymonde Provencher
  • CES CRIMES SANS HONNEUR un film de Raymonde Provencher

    69 min, Documentaire, Québec, Canada, 2012
    Productrice :Raymonde Provencher (Macumba Films)
    Langues : Allemand, Suédois, Anglais avec s.t. français

    Les crimes d’honneur sont des phénomènes anciens, qui remontent à des temps immémoriaux. Nous les avions crus révolus; et pourtant la réalité no...